Fairlawn Haven Nursing Home
Fairlawn Haven
407 E. Lutz Rd.
Archbold, OH 43502
Office Hours: 8am - 5pm M - F
Phone: 419-445-3075
Fax: 419-446-2699
Fairlawn Haven Nursing Home... is a 100 bed skilled facility. Medicare and Medicaid approved. Nonprofit. Affiliated with local Mennonite Churches, but applicants are accepted/admitted without regard to religious affiliation.
The rate includes three balanced meals a day, bedtime snacks, special diet requirements and any nursing supplies necessary for quality care.
Services not included are doctor fees, all prescriptions, personal purchases, therapy by a professional therapist, hairdresser or podiatrist. Payment of these services is the responsibility of the resident.
Fairlawn Haven Nursing Home
A limited number of personal possessions may be brought along with each resident such as a favorite chair, small television, radio, and some wall decorations/pictures. There is typically not enough space for additional furniture unless the resident is gonig into a private room. Also, housekeeping needs to be able to move furniture for regular cleaning. Items of significant value are not encouraged and all belongings should be labeled with the resident's name.
Special Care Unit... is available for Alzheimer's or related dementia diagnosis.
Physical Therapy...
Concept Rehab. Inc. provides Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy to the residents at Fairlawn Haven and to our on campus residents. This firm has been our therapy company for almost five years.